एमएससी (भौतिकी) ए और ए में वैकल्पिक पेपर - नमूना पाठ्यक्रम

Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune
These are sample syllabi for three special/optional papers in M.Sc. (Physics). Any two papers may be adopted.


Module I: Solar System and Stars

1. The solar system 5 lectures
  • Celestial mechanics
  • Elliptical orbits
  • Kepler's laws
  • Virial theorem
  • Earth-moon system
  • Tidal forces
  • Precession of earth's axis
  • Interiors
  • Atmospheres
  • Planets
  • Terrestrial planets
  • Jovian planets
2. Observational tools 6 lectures
  • Blackbody radiation
  • Specific intensity and flux density
  • Stellar parallax
  • Magnitudes
  • Colour index
  • Basic optics and optical telescopes
  • Radio telescopes
  • Infrared, ultraviolet and X-ray telescopes
  • Coordinates and time
3. Sta 7 lectures
  • Classification
  • Formation of spectral lines
  • Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
  • Atmosphere
  • Description of the radiation field
  • Opacities
  • Radiative transfer
  • Structure of spectral lines
4. Sun 5 lectures
  • Interior
  • Atmosphere
  • Solar activity
  • Helioseismology

Module II: Stellar Structure and Evolution

1. Stellar interiors 7 lectures
  • Hydrostatic equilibrium
  • Pressure equation of state
  • Energy sources
  • Energy transport and convection
  • Model building
  • Main sequence
2. Binary stars 5 lectures
  • Classification
  • Mass determination
  • Accretion disks in close binaries
  • White dwarfs, neutron stars
  • and black holes in binaries
3. Star formation 3 lectures
  • Interstellar dust and gas
  • Formation of protostars
  • Pre-main sequence evolution
4. Post main sequence evolution 3 lectures
  • Evolution on the main sequence
  • Late stages of evolution
  • Fate of massive stars, supernovae
5. Degenerate remnants of stars 4 lectures
  • White dwarfs
  • Chandrasekhar limit
  • Neutron stars
  • Pulsars

Tutorials will involve problem solving on the topics of the course.

Laboratory Experiments:

  1. 1. Polar aligning a telescope and measuring declination of Polaris.
  2. Measuring distance to Moon by parallax method.
  3. Measuring limb-darkening of Sun.
  4. Finding rotation period of Sun by measuring motion of sun-spots.
  5. Measuring relative sensitivity of B, V, and R bands of a photometer with Sun and using this to find temperature of filament of a lamp.
  6. Measuring colour of a star by differential photometry.
  7. Measuring extinction of the atmosphere in B, V, and R bands.
  8. Characterising a CCD camera for gain, read-noise, linearity, and flat field.
  9. Estimating atmospheric seeing by measuring differential motion.
  10. Measuring stellar scintillations for different zenith angles and comparing it with scintillations for planets.

Text books:

  1. Modern Astrophysics, B. W. Carroll and D. A. Ostlie, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
  2. Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics, M. Zeilik and S. A. Gregory, 4th Edition, Saunders College Publishing.
  3. Theoretical Astrophysics, Vol II:Stars and Stellar Systems, T. Padmanabhan, Cambridge University Press.

Other books:

  1. The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, F. Shu, Mill Valley : University Science Books.
  2. Textbook of Astronomy and Astrophysics with Elements of Cosmology, V. B. Bhatia, Pb-New Delhi, Narosa Publishing House.
  3. The New Cosmos, A. Unsold and B. Baschek, New York:Springer Verlag.


Module I : High Energy Astrophysics

1. Radiative processes in astrophysics 10 lectures
  • Synchrotron emission
    - for a single particle
    - for an ensemble of electrons
  • Energy loss and electron spectrum
  • Compton scattering
  • Multiple Compton scattering
  • Bremsstrahlung
  • Thermal bremsstrahlung
2. Binary stars 7 lectures
  • White dwarf binaries
  • Neutron star and black hole binaries
  • HulseTaylor binary pulsar
3. Accretion discs 5 lectures
  • Thin accretion discs
  • Thick accretion discs
  • Accretion discs in binaries
  • Accretion discs in galactic nuclei

Module II: Galaxies

1. The Milky Way Galaxy 5 lectures
  • Distribution of stars
  • Morphology
  • Kinematics
  • Interstellar medium
  • Galactic Centre
2. Nature of galaxies 4 lectures
  • Hubble sequence
  • Spirals and irregular galaxies
  • Spiral structure
  • Elliptical galaxies
3. Galactic evolution 4 lectures
  • Interaction of galaxies
  • Formation of galaxies
4. Structure of the universe 5 lectures
  • Extragalactic distance scale
  • Expansion of the universe
  • Clusters of galaxies
5. Active galaxies and quasi-stellar objects 5 lectures
  • Observations
  • Unified model
  • Radio lobes and jets
  • Using QSOs to probe the universe
  • Gamma ray bursts

Tutorials will involve problem solving on the topics of the course.

Text books:

  1. Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei, A. K. Kembhavi and J. V. Narlikar, Cambridge University Press.
  2. Modern Astrophysics, B. W. Carroll and D. A. Ostlie, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
  3. Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics, M. Zeilik and S. A. Gregory, 4th edition, Saunders College Publishing.
  4. Theoretical Astrophysics, Vol I:Astrophysical Processes, T. Padmanabhan, Cambridge University Press.

Other books:

  1. The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, F. Shu, Mill Valley : University Science Books.
  2. Textbook of Astronomy and Astrophysics with Elements of Cosmology, V. B. Bhatia, Pb-New Delhi, Narosa Publishing House.
  3. The New Cosmos, A. Unsold and B. Baschek, New York:Springer Verlag.
  4. Introduction to Cosmology, J. V. Narlikar, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press.
  5. Structure Formation in the Universe, T. Padmanabhan,Cambridge University Press.


Module I: General Relativity (GR)

1. Overview of special relativity 4 lectures
  • Principles of special relativity
  • Line interval
  • Proper time
  • Lorentz transformation
  • Minkowski spacetime
  • Lightcones
  • Relativistic momentum
  • 4-vectors
  • Lorentz transformation of electromagnetic field
2. Conceptual foundations of GR and curved spacetime 12 lectures
  • Principle of equivalence
  • Connection between gravity and geometry
  • Form of metric in Newtonian limit
  • Metric tensor and its properties
  • Concept of curved spaces and spacetimes
  • Tangent space and four vectors
  • Tensor algebra
  • Tensor calculus
  • Covariant differentiation
  • Parallel transport
  • Riemann curvature tensor
  • Geodesics
  • Particle trajectories in gravitational field
3. Dynamics of gravitational field 4 lectures
  • Einstein's field equations
  • Definition of the stress tensor
  • Bianchi identities and conservation of the stress tensor
  • Einstein's equations for weak gravitational fields
  • The Newtonian limit
4. Schwarzschild metric and related topics 5 lectures
  • Derivation of Schwarzschild metric
  • Basic properties of Schwarzschild metric coordinate-
  • systems and nature of R=2M surface
  • Effective potential for particle orbits in Schwarzschild metric,
  • general properties
  • Precession of perihelion
  • Deflection of ultra relativistic particles
  • Gravitational red-shift

Module II: Applications of GR

1. Gravitational waves 5 lectures
  • Wave equation in linearised theory
  • Plane waves
  • Transverse traceless gauge
  • Effect on test particles
  • Principles of detection and generation of gravitational waves
  • Types of detectors
  • Landau-Lifshitz formula
  • Hulse Taylor binary pulsar
2. Cosmology 15 lectures
  Models of the universe
  • Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models
  • Hubble's law
  • Angular size
  • Source counts
  • Cosmological constant
  • Horizons
Relics of the big bang
  • The early universe
  • Thermodynamics of the early universe
  • Primordial neutrinos
  • Helium synthesis and other nuclei
  • Microwave background

Formation of large scale structure
  • Jeans mass in the expanding universe
  • Growth in the postrecombination era
  • Observational constraints
  • Elementary ideas on structure formation

Observations of the cosmological significance
  • Measurement of Hubble's constant
  • Anisotropy of large-scale velocity fields
  • Age of the universe
  • Abundance of light nuclei
  • Dark matter
  • Microwave background
  • Gravitational wave stochastic background

Tutorials will involve problem solving on the topics of the course.

Text Books:

  1. General Relativity and Cosmology, J. V. Narlikar Delhi: Macmillan company of India Ltd.
  2. General Relativity, I. R. Kenyon, Oxford university press.
  3. Classical Theory of Fields, Vol. 2, L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Oxford : Pergamon Press.
  4. First course in general relativity, B. F. Schutz Cambridge: Cambridge university press.
  5. Introduction to Cosmology, 3rd Edition, J. V. Narlikar, Cambridge University Press.