Sleeping Beauties in Theoretical Physics

Padmanabhan, T.

Springer, Heidelberg (2015).

The book can be ordered from this site: Springer

The Chapter highlights are available here as a pdf file.

This book addresses a fascinating set of questions in theoretical physics which will both entertain and enlighten all students, teachers and researchers and other physics aficionados. These range from Newtonian mechanics to quantum field theory and cover several puzzling issues that do not appear in standard textbooks. Some topics cover conceptual conundrums, the solutions to which lead to surprising insights; some correct popular misconceptions in the textbook discussion of certain topics; others illustrate deep connections between apparently unconnected domains of theoretical physics; and a few provide remarkably simple derivations of results which are not often appreciated. The connoisseur of theoretical physics will enjoy a feast of pleasant surprises skilfully prepared by an internationally acclaimed theoretical physicist. Each topic is introduced with proper background discussion and special effort is taken to make the discussion self-contained, clear and comprehensible to anyone with an undergraduate education in physics.

  • A book that will delight all physics aficionados

  • An informative and insightful volume by a master theorist

  • Brings together a broad range of topics while helping to display the unity of physics

... From the Preface ...

"Theoretical physics is fun. Most of us indulge in it for the same reason a painter paints or a dancer dances -- the process itself is so enjoyable! Occasionally, there are additional benefits like fame and glory and even practical uses; but most good theoretical physicists will agree that these are not the primary reasons why they are doing it. The fun in figuring out the solutions to Nature’s brain teasers is a reward in itself.

The primary aim of this book is to convey this joy one feels about doing theoretical physics and share some insights in a wide variety of topics."