Quantum Field Theory: The Why, What and How

Padmanabhan, T.

Springer, Heidelberg (2016).

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The Preface, Chapter highlights and Contents are available here as a pdf file.

This book describes, in clear terms, the Why, What and the How of Quantum Field Theory. The raison d'etre of QFT is explained by starting from the dynamics of a relativistic particle and demonstrating how it leads to the notion of quantum fields. Non-perturbative aspects and the Wilsonian interpretation of field theory are emphasized right from the start. Several interesting topics such as the Schwinger effect, Davies-Unruh effect, Casimir effect and spontaneous symmetry breaking introduce the reader to the elegance and breadth of applicability of field theoretical concepts. Complementing the conceptual aspects, the book also develops all the relevant mathematical techniques in detail, leading e.g., to the computation of anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the two-loop renormalisation of the self-interacting scalar field. It contains nearly a hundred problems, of varying degrees of difficulty, making it suitable for both self-study and classroom use.

  • Clear presentation of conceptual aspects, many of which are not available elsewhere

  • Emphasis on nonperturbative aspects and Wilsonian perspective right from the start

  • Original and simpler derivations/discussion of several topics

  • Develops the mathematical techniques in a comprehensive manner