Data Quality Report

Orbit 34821

Creation date: 2022-03-07T22:34:08.751754
Switch to: Orbit-wise | Merged OBSID-wise, SVN revision $Rev$

Source files: Data quality report (detailed, human readable) | Data quality report (concise, machine readable)

Observation information

Basic statistics of files

Param Original file Final file
FilenamemodeM0/AS1C07_005T01_9000004992_34821cztM0_level2.evt modeM0/AS1C07_005T01_9000004992_34821cztM0_level2_quad_clean.evt
Size (bytes)1,360,226,880167,944,320
Size1.3 GB 160.2 MB
Events in quadrant A5,312,2741,229,151
Events in quadrant B21,916,122738,328
Events in quadrant C5,448,0101,222,647
Events in quadrant D7,794,6661,149,720

Level1 data integrity

Mode M9
QuadrantBADHDUFLAGTotal packetsDiscarded packets

Mode M0
QuadrantBADHDUFLAGTotal packetsDiscarded packets

Mode SS
QuadrantBADHDUFLAGTotal packetsDiscarded packets

Data saturation

QuadrantTotal secondsSaturated secondsSaturation percentage

Noise dominated fraction

Noise dominated data is calculated using 1-second bins in cleaned event files. If a bin has >2000 counts, and if more than 50% of those come from <1% of pixels, then it is considered to be noise-dominated and hence unusable.

Quadrant # 1 sec bins Bins with >0 counts Bins with >2000 counts High rate bins dominated by noise Noise dominated (total time) Noise dominated (detector-on time) Marked lightcurve
A 13544 10742 18 18 0.13% 0.17%
B 13543 10741 6771 6771 50.00% 63.04%
C 13544 10742 24 24 0.18% 0.22%
D 13544 10742 380 380 2.81% 3.54%

Top noisy pixels

Top three noisy pixels from each quadrant. If the there are fewer than three noisy pixels in the level2.evt file, extra rows are filled as -1

Pixel properties Quadrant properties
Quadrant DetID PixID Counts Sigma Mean Median Sigma
A 15 169 337206 1367.52 1224 1200 245.7
A 10 83 77279 309.64 1224 1200 245.7
A 15 174 44121 174.69 1224 1200 245.7
B 4 251 5270355 34730.25 796 773 151.7
B 5 14 3730572 24582.0 796 773 151.7
B 5 31 3622107 23867.14 796 773 151.7
C 15 214 489178 1783.14 1184 1190 273.7
C 14 67 158792 575.89 1184 1190 273.7
C 0 10 131816 477.32 1184 1190 273.7
D 8 195 1062525 3406.56 1157 1134 311.6
D 12 233 681884 2184.88 1157 1134 311.6
D 2 250 260657 832.95 1157 1134 311.6

Detector plane histogram (DPH)

Histogram calculated using DETX and DETY for each event in the final _common_clean file

Quadrant A Quadrant B
Quadrant D Quadrant C

Count rate plots and images

Plot type Count rate plots Images
Comparison with Poisson distribution
Blue bars denote a histogram of data divided into 1 sec bins.
Red curve is a Poisson curve with rate = median count rate of data.
Quadrant-wise count rates
Data is divided into 100 sec bins
Module-wise count rates for Quadrant A
Data is divided into 100 sec bins
Module-wise count rates for Quadrant B
Data is divided into 100 sec bins
Module-wise count rates for Quadrant C
Data is divided into 100 sec bins
Module-wise count rates for Quadrant D
Data is divided into 100 sec bins

Housekeeping plots

Parameter Plot
CZT HV Monitor
Temperature 1
Veto HV Monitor
Veto LLD
Alpha Counter
CZT Counter
+2.5 Volts monitor
+5 Volts monitor
Veto Counter